First of all, yes, mods do read question.
We usually read these questions because users flagged them.
Which mod reads which flagged question is not really regulated. Every mod can and should handle every flag.
This can lead to me reading a question on a topic I'm not fully familiar with (like when I handle a flag on a question that is tagged osx). Now when a user (or two, or three) has flagged a question as a dupe, I read the suggested dupe and decide, yes, this could be a dupe, then I would close it as a dupe without full understanding of the topic at hand.
This can lead to incorrect closure of a question. But usually, it doesn't, because this is what we do all day and, honestly, we're pretty good at it even if you would say otherwise.
Then there's the other case where the OP believes the question they posted is so special and specific that it is, in fact, not a dupe at all and deserves to have its own question.
Just like a mod can make a false assumption about question duplication, users can as well.
When you ask "Does Windows 8 contain an anti-virus or anti-malware solution?" and you believe this is a different question from "Do I need an anti-virus or anti-malware solution in Windows 8?", then I might even agree with you. But if the answers to the latter question implicitly answer your question then it's a candidate for closure, because your question will simply gather similar or identical information.
With these two questions however, I see no immediate reason to reopen either.
The question is about bringing back a feature from a beta version of Windows 8. I understand it's not exactly a dupe of the other question as it is about bringing back the classic start menu, something you don't want.
So, if it was reopened, I would consider it a strong candidate for "Too Localized" closure. As a reminder:
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet.
To my understanding, the question Does Windows 8 require any sort of Virus protection? covers the same ground. Thus, I see no reason for reopening.
The discussion if anti-malware products are required is inherently not constructive. That's why the other question was also already closed.