My understanding of the SE sites is: The community draws the line. As\if the community changes the community draws the line still.
If a number of people in the community feel that "The question does not show any research effort, is unclear or not useful" That it one set of reasons they will downvote the question.
That statement as shown on the downvote button for questions, has covered many of the downvotes for questions that can be "looked up on google".
It also further states in the first layer of help a person is likely to see.
"Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do."
Moderators are voted for by the community, the community can influence the moderation of the site by following the nominations and tracking how the persons nominated are reflecting the wishes of the community. Then voting for the type of moderator that you deem will best suit the wishes of the community.
Everything below the line is my opinion.
Honestly I fail to see the point in many of the restrictions, and the application of the high level of negativity that a new user is slammed with when arriving on the site.
Especially a site that states to a new User:
1) Anybody can ask a question
How about if we change that to:
Anyone can ask a Good question, that the answer is not already found in a search engine, that isn't lame sounding, that we can actually answer, that we like the idea of the question to begin with. :-) Would the truth be offputting?
Sorry the question is too broad, or, the question is too localised.
You have not provided enough information, or, you provided to much information to read it.
The question has no answer, or, the question has to many answers.
Shows us what you did already , to, Well that was stupid to have done.
Calls for speculation from the witness your honor :-) geesh, lighten up people.
The next question becomes: Why am I here , trying to ask a question, when I could go to 5000 other sites and not fall into so many traps.
The answer to that is, if you wanted a very specific and concise answer to a very specific question that is not in the search engine, it is here, and often very well done,
Lets concider that all of the above does work, because it is working, I fail to see why I should have to go to any search engine Other than SuperUsers search engine for ANYTHING?
If the community deems it so, that a much larger array of questions deserve to be represented ON SuperUser itself reguardless of a search engine, then the community would have that.
I am all for it, as a tiny part of said community. As a "community" we (collective) could also decide that answers already on the web, could be a great asset to SuperUser. The SuperUser Questions and answers being located via the search engine, is the one answer to see. Who cares what the rest of the web is doing.
Voting is what it is all about, if you want things to change apply the vote, personally I do not see these UpVotes on the questions, If the community really wants them, then the community needs to get off thier butts and UpVote them. This isn't government, you get to vote on almost everything , and you must vote if your going to change anything.
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