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Who accepts the question in case the the creator deleted the account?

I have this current situation on the question How change the IP address of the computer on Windows 10? It seems that the creator has deleted their account. Who will be able to accept the answer? Will ...
djdomi's user avatar
  • 278
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to accept answers in closed questions?

Out of curiosity (since I don't have any closed questions), is it possible to accept answers on closed questions?
Albin's user avatar
  • 11.3k
7 votes
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Accepted answer is at the bottom, is that a bug?

On the Super User question Any command line tool checking windows domain password?, I noticed that the accepted answer was listed at the bottom. Is that a bug?
sudias's user avatar
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Why sometimes the selected answer is not the top answer? [duplicate]

I was under the impression the accepted answer gets always displayed before the other answer. However, I have noticed cases this does not happen, such as in this question: How to get Google Desktop ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
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Can a moderator mark an answer as correct?

In this question, the asker has said in a comment that one of the answers is correct. However, he has not marked the answer. Is it possible for someone else to?
Jon's user avatar
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I want to check a best answer for the post I did before as a guest at Stack Exchange

The other day, I posted a question as a guest at the site of Stack Exchange. Some users answered for me, and I wrote "Thank you". But I forgot to decide the best answer at that time. Now, I ...
user2975's user avatar
1 vote
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Should number of votes and/or higher answers be listed higher?

Unless Im mistaken, answers to questions appear in reverse chronological order, with newer answers being first in the list. Ive always felt that the accepted answer should be listed first and then ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 74.1k
7 votes
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Posting question & answer, why must I wait two days to accept it?

When posting a question and an answer together (like explained here) why must I wait two days to accept the answer? If I have understood correctly, the Q&A-together format is meant to provide ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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I thought the accepted answer is always listed first - here it is second. Huh?

How is it possible that this question has the top-voted-but-not-accepted answer listed first, instead of the accepted answer? What's the easiest way to get text onto a Kindle?
n611x007's user avatar
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Why can't I award the bounty to my own answer

I answered my own question, why can’t I award the bounty to my answer or do something to prevent it from being half-awarded to the top-voted answer?
kinokijuf's user avatar
  • 8,315
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Calculating accept rate

Do open questions with no answers affect my accept rate? I can't calculate it on my own because my rate isn't displayed anywhere I can see, but that's probably another question.
Yitzchak's user avatar
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how to check my questions that have not been answered?

Hi all, is there anyway we can check the questions that we make that we have not marked any answers? (like a filter) Which section should these questions be at?
Pacerier's user avatar
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