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Questions tagged [beta]

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10 votes
3 answers

Do we really need a beta period for SuperUser?

The StackOverflow software (if it has a generic name by now, I'd like to know) is fairly mature by now, and most of the kinks have been worked out. What's the point of having a beta period for ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Not possible to enter name/email to post an answer when not logged in

If you're not logged in, and attempt to post an answer, SU will prompt for an OpenID url, but the red text under that says: You must provide name and email, or your OpenID I don't see any way to ...
Factor Mystic's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?

Why aren't there any SuperUser users with a Beta badge?
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