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Wording a question about protocols for converting authentication without it being " product, service, or learning material recommendations"

I'm trying to ask a question about protocols for converting between user authentication types on an SMTP server, but whatever I do my questions keep being closed because various mods consider a ...
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What should happen to a question which the OP realised was not necessary?

I came across this question today, where the OP quickly realised their mistake and stated so in the comments, however they haven't deleted the question and no other action has been taken on it (...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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What constitutes a subjective question on Super User?

What constitutes a subjective question on I'm thinking of a RAID setup and want to throw around ideas, is that too subjective?
Celeritas's user avatar
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how to deal with an answer that is resolved, but not answered?

For example, if the problem was resolved without answering the question, how do you deal with the question so that it doesn't remain opened. Perhaps a device was replaced, or a different software ...
brice's user avatar
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Official stance on Facebook questions on SU? Ok, there are many questions that reference Facebook, but this one seems to be directly about facebook. I need an official ...
Troggy's user avatar
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