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Should question owners be able to down vote on answers?

I have had a few questions with not so good answers. Could it be possible that question askers can down vote (or up vote) on answers to their questions, without rep requirements? Also, about up ...
Joseph's user avatar
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2 votes
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Downvoting a Closed Thread?

This is more of a overall StackExchange question than anything else, but it springs to mind that users can downvote a question that has been closed. Why is this the case? If a thread was closed for ...
Addison Crump's user avatar
-4 votes
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Limit time for downvotes

Can we put a limit on the downvote system please (I'm talking years)? The reason is the SU rules change in regards to what is on and off topic. So current queue (at time of writing) is filled with ...
Dave's user avatar
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Notify on changes on a revised answer [duplicate]

I came upon this Q&A The least-voted answer, according to the comments, was downvoted because it's a "link-only answer". (Kind of inconsistent, are we? The highest-voted answer is also a "link-...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Penalty for unexplained down-votes [duplicate]

Often I come across perfectly valid questions which have been down-voted for no apparent reason, sometimes with no comments or answers at all. I don't think a down-vote should ever be made without ...
AFH's user avatar
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Concept of "conditional" downvotes?

Down-voted questions seem to fall into two categories: fixable and unfixable. Some questions are just inappropriate, easily answerable with minimal search effort, or have other problems for which ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Effect of downvote on reputation

Should downvotes result into bigger reputation loss than -2 ? I believe that compared to +10 for an upvote, -2 is negligible and it would be fair to increase it. Also, since the community is ...
Art Gertner's user avatar
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Why can't comments be downvoted?

Since comment upvotes don't yield any reputation, I'm just wondering why comments can be upvoted but not downvoted. I see a lot of comments with flat out wrong information or unhelpful responses, and ...
trpt4him's user avatar
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Feature Request: Downvotes not charged if item is deleted

Scenario: there was an incorrect answer to the question How to take the cube root of a negative number in VBA for Excel? (The answerer had not read the question carefully before replying.) I downvoted ...
CarlF's user avatar
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A way to send an alert to downvoters that an edit has been made to the post

Would it be be possible to make something that would alert downvoters of an answer that the post they downvoted has changed?
soandos's user avatar
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