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13 votes
1 answer

New error message box is easy to miss

In my answer to Is it possible for many domain names to share one IP address? I wanted to include a link to the IP for to show how shared hosting and accessing by IP's did not work, ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

Please add a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut for the Keyboard style

Not sure if this should just be here or if I should post on Meta.Stackoverflow - please can a mod move if you think it should be there. When writing answers, one of the items that takes me the ...
William Hilsum's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Turn Markdown "code" blocks into plain "preformatted" blocks on Super User

On SU, can we remove the default syntax highlighting? It seems that most uses for the Markdown 4-space-indent-code-block on SU are not actual code, and the syntax highlighting is more of a hindrance ...
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