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7 votes
2 answers

How can I use grave accents or backticks (`) in a question?

Is there any way to type two back-tick (or grave accent) characters (`) in my question without formatting my text in unwanted way? I know I can enter a grave accent at one place, like this: Alt+`. ...
Bathinda Helper's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Formatted text rendered wrongly in question but is correct in edit preview

I stumbled upon a question that has some incorrectly rendered block of formatted text: I wanted to edit and correct this but was surprised to see that in the editor it looks like this (no change made ...
luator's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Can I embed a Twitter post in my answer?

Shortly after asking How do I enable email notifications from Discord?, I sent a tweet to Discord's official Twitter account asking for support. To my surprise, I received a fairly quick response ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 15.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Formatting of multiple quotes ends up showing as a single block

When I make three quotes with an answer under each quote, the editor resolves that as one quote all mushed together. The answers under the first two quotes disappear. What is the trick to make ...
whs's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why is the first line automatically indented by one space?

line with backtick or code block line with backtick or code block Why is the first line automatically indented by one space when using backticks or <code> tags to surround multiple lines? Is ...
nixda's user avatar
  • 27.4k
1 vote
2 answers

When editing this post, the "preview" displays the image correctly. When viewing the question, the image is not displayed

Have a look at this answer. I see the text ![Phone Types on][2] rather than the image he is trying to display. But when I clicked "Edit" to fix his formatting, I found that the image ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 14.9k
0 votes
0 answers

How to add a code block following a numbered or ordered list [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can not use code tag Just a little quirk I noticed when using the Editor. This is bad: This is good: Alternatively, you have to insert a horizontal rule (---) between the list ...
iglvzx's user avatar
  • 23.7k
4 votes
1 answer

Can I embed a YouTube video in a question or answer?

Over on I often see YouTube videos embedded in questions and answers. Here is an example. I see in the source that there is not special markup, just the url alone ...
William Jackson's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

The Markdown editing help doesn't include help for creating buttons

When asking questions, and one isn't familiar with Markdown, adding a button such as this may be very difficult and frustrating. I think many users's answers and questions involve solutions that ...
wizlog's user avatar
  • 13.5k
6 votes
2 answers

what ways can I make one new line in a post?

what ways can I make one new line in a post? And what is the sense in the fact that pushing enter and starting a new line, doesn't create a new line when the question or I guess answer is submitted? ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
4 votes
1 answer

Can not use code tag

With the following question, Interesting Windows 7 boot Issue involving RAID and an SSD, I'm not able to remove the quote block in which the code block is embedded. Without making it a quote, the code ...
Pylsa's user avatar
  • 31.3k