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Questions tagged [osx]

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-2 votes
1 answer

Is it policy to move Apple/Mac OS questions to Ask Different? [duplicate]

If a question is clearly Mac only, not even Terminal/nix-related, is it best to simply move it to Ask Different? Apologies if this was asked before, a search didn't find it.
5 votes
1 answer

Where do questions about OS X's Automator belong?

Where do questions about scripts/programs written in Automator belong? They could belong on StackOverflow, as they're a sort of programming. on SuperUser, as they are often used to automate lengthy/...
26 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to inform users to stop promoting Apple.SE when a question is fine to stay here?

Now that we see a quite large amount of OS X Lion questions here on Super User, I've seen people telling the OP to go to ask on Ask Different. Of course, the folks at Ask Different want their site ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to decide whether to post on OS X related question on SU or on Apple.SE? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should questions be moved to AskDifferent/AskUbuntu/…? On one hand, my question is only applicable on an Apple device. On the other hand, many such questions seem ...