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5 answers

Why was the question "Why are there 8 bits per byte?" closed?

TL;DR: I'm looking for opinions on why this question should be open or closed. Answer: I now understand why it has been closed: It is not a real problem because it has no practical use. https://...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is my question considered to be "off topic"?

I asked this question: Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally? Without any comments it was "closed as off topic". I don't understand why. The box informing me about the ...
unor's user avatar
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Why was my network synchronization question closed as offtopic?

I have a question about my Super User post: Real-Time Sync Utility My question got recently closed as off-topic. While my actual question (what I wanted to know) was on topic in the first place, I ...
Qw3ry's user avatar
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What makes a history-tagged question closed?

I love to read about computer history. There are many questions regarding history on SU and a history tag. Some of the questions are closed:
n611x007's user avatar
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A Kindle question closed; why? It's software+hardware... was closed with a message "Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way". According to the ...
imz -- Ivan Zakharyaschev's user avatar
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saving streaming video played in web browser is off-topic on superuser?

I really want to save this video as I love the show but I have some troubles with their fast English ... so ... I asked here any-idea-how-to-save-video-from-this-site and the question was closed as ...
Radek's user avatar
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Improvements in the reopening system needed? [closed]

When a question gets closed, it can be asked for reopening, but in my experience that is very hard to happen. Even if after editing it shows again in the main page, the tag "[closed]" acts ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why was 451805 closed?

Why was this question: closed? I don’t see anthing offtopic with it. It’s about computer software.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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question closed as exact duplicate, but the referred question appears to be only loosely related

My question was closed as exact duplicate 11 days ago: batch-rename filenames with numbers to sort alphabetically For some reason i did not receive any notification about this, so I noticed it just ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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I think my question have been wrongly closed

I don't understand the argument on why the mod closed my question: AMD Radeon HD 7000 cards that do not use more than the total bandwidth of PCI-E 2.0 Small geographic area? I think my question could ...
Karolinger's user avatar
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I'd like to know why my question was closed

I posted a question detailing my problems with Windows 8's File History. I use it for backups and I have a couple of things I'd like it to do, but it fell short. With certain specific needs in mind, I ...
Pieter's user avatar
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Why is Deltek off topic? Why was this question considered off-topic? According to the FAQ: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why was question 311149 marked off-topic and closed?

This question was marked as off-topic. This of course includes a link to the FAQ which actually I had read before asking my question. None of the other Stack Exchange sites seemed to apply. The part ...
Zan Lynx's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Why questions are closed and why asking new questions are banned?

Its good to organize and maintain the forum and make it look good and have question or research or knowledge sharing. As in stack exchange specially super user i have faced strict rules of closing ...
Androidquery's user avatar
-3 votes
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Request for reopening question 305862

I don't understand how my question is off-topic. It talks about a desktop app, called Steam browser.
Jader Dias's user avatar
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