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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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My question was closed as "opinion-based" despite not being opinion-based

My question Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs? was closed by a mod as "opinion-based", despite being in no way opinion-based. It asks for factual reasons why SSDs tend ...
Vikki's user avatar
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Question which should have the answer "it is impossible"

I asked that question: It has been closed. But it seems, by reading all the comments, that the ...
AdriZ's user avatar
  • 121
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Make question about Java MaxHeapSize more focused

This question about Java MaxHeapSize was closed because it needs to be more focused. How can it be made more focused? "Needs more focus" is defined here as "has many valid answers (but no way to ...
LvB's user avatar
  • 101