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3 votes
1 answer

Is this text on a help article a bug (or something else)?

In the editing help article it says: if(thisSite.Settings.Site.StyleCodeByDefault) { Code blocks will be highlighted using highlight.js. In many cases, the syntax highlighting language will be ...
11 votes
1 answer

Are "error" and "problem" meta-tags?

From If the tag can’t work as the only tag on a question, it’s probably a meta-tag. Clearly, error and problem fit this criterion. If ...
4 votes
0 answers

Are these Fail2Ban, Munin and “Failed password” related questions more appropriate for Server Fault?

While I spend a good chunk of time here on Super User, my day-to-day/work-a-day head is in the Linux server administration world. A lot of times there’s overlap between “power user” needs and server ...
4 votes
2 answers

Retag request: [case] <--> [computer-case]

The tags case and computer-case look like they are duplicates of each others. Which one should we keep? Or are there any more specific uses to case?
3 votes
2 answers

Merge ram and memory?

[ram] has 277 questions; [memory] has 296. Should we: Merge the two into [ram]? Merge the two into [memory]? Leave both of them alone? Retag [memory] questions that aren't about RAM into another tag, ...
6 votes
1 answer

Question erroneously declared to be a duplicate

How can I create multipart tar file in Linux? This question is currently number one result in Google for "how to create multipart rar in Linux". The question that they claim is a duplicate is NOT a ...
9 votes
3 answers

What’s up with the volume tag? [closed]

The volume tag is a mixup of partitioning questions and audio questions. Could someone sort it out? (FYI it's the same mistake done by Polish Windows translators: translating "volume manager" like it ...
6 votes
1 answer

Re-open request for question 312922

What Can I do to Improve Cable Link/Signal Quality? The author specifically mentions that he has internet connection problems due to this issue. Finally, I present this clause from the SuperUser FAQ ...
16 votes
1 answer

Idle moderator position

quack quixote has left Super User for good (here is the related post), and he still seems to have the moderator position (obviously idle). I think this position should be granted (by election) to an ...