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Ongoing community task: ensure there are no [untagged] questions

The tag untagged is applied to questions which either have all their tags burninated, or to questions migrated from other sites (when tags from the origin site do not match any tags here). According ...
gparyani's user avatar
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Clean out our [container]

The container tag appears to be too broadly scoped to be useful in its current state. With its oldest question being from 2010, it is used for many different areas of expertise including but not ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Should [clock] be split up into 3 tags?

I was writing a question about how the clock changes between Linux and Windows, and noticed the clock tag. However, after looking over the questions, it seemed broad - or, at least, had multiple ...
Zackary's user avatar
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Is a tag named [messaging] relevant

As the title says messaging as a tag is confusing. Here is a question that I just saw: How to disable Messaging on Windows 10?
Gaurav Joseph's user avatar
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What is the difference between the file-types and filetype tags?

What is the difference between the file-types and filetype tags? Is it best to leave them as two separate tags or merge them together?
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Is the `windows-8.1-preview` tag really needed?

As the title says, is the windows-8.1-preview tag really needed, especially as we're near the release of the Windows 9 Developer Preview (or beta, whatever it is). The Windows 8.1 Preview is over a ...
AStopher's user avatar
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Should the [ps1] tag be used, and if not, should it be removed?

Tag ps1 has no guidance, with only 44 questions using it, however the main problem is .ps1 is a PowerShell profile and script extension, but is being used both for PowerShell and other shells that ...
JW0914's user avatar
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Un-referencing the [reference] tag

It only has 7 questions, but I can't imagine reference is specific enough to be useful. I didn't want to just clear this out without asking others if it could be useful.
Raystafarian's user avatar
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