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Sathyajith Bhat Mod
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Can we please have better tag wiki excerpts?

Today someone proposed lots of tag wiki excerpts edits that all followed the form:

Questions about <tag-name>, <description of object>.

Why do we need the Questions about element?
We don't, it consumes the limited excerpt space and adds nothing.

On closer inspection of the tag list it seems several other tag wikis also contain meta-data not directly related to the tag, or unnecessary bits like this.

For example, (until Sathya edited it) the highest tag on our network, , had the excerpt:

Questions and answers asked of Windows Vista often also work and apply to Windows 7 and vice versa

This tells us nothing about Windows 7 except that it's similar to Vista (and with Vista as the main bit of sentence, not 7). And why do we need to know the tag contains questions and answers when that's the point?

Lets have a look at :

Questions about email software and email software configuration. Questions about webmail are off-topic.

Again, tells us pretty much nothing about email, but also contains irrelevant meta instructions about off-topic nature of webmail.

Moving to the second page of tags, jumped out at me:

All about the Vim editor.

Now, this might not look so bad, but is basically the same as "Questions and answers about the vim editor". It tells us almost nothing except Vim is an editor (of what?). If the excerpt was the first sentence of the body it would be much better (note: I've now edited it to this):

And one more that I've just spotted is :

Security -- as in Computer related Security. ###Body: On Superuser, the 'security' tag is in the context of Computer Security.
'Computer Security' is a very broad term and at Superuser, the tag is usually used to mark questions related to security of and from computer software.
We usually do not find questions related to physical security of computers at Superuser.

Painfully meta, with basically no useful info on the topic at all!

Now, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of very good tag wiki's, and I'm sure they form the majority, but there are a few like this that a quick glance at the first page or two of tags turn up.

I believe that there is no place for meta-data in tag wikis, nor should the very space-limited excerpts contain any irrelevant filler text that states the obvious.

What does everyone else think?
And if there's some agreement can we please all start getting some of these tidied up!

DMA57361 Mod
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