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I agree with @ChrisF's viewpoint, but don't feel that any conclusive action has been demonstrated as a result of his answer:

Torrents are a grey area.

They have legitimate uses as well as the more common illegitimate ones so we have to treat each question on its own merits.

Torrents are not a grey area, the possibly copyrighted material that is distributed though them is. However, there is a simple solution to deal with all of these cases.

In many of the questions you linked to in your original question, the actual content being distributed was not mentioned - as should be the case for these types of questions. There are no legal repercussions for aiding in the use of legitimate software, and following the "innocent until proven guilty" mentality, we should assume so unless we have reason to believe otherwise.

Thus, I present this as a possible solution:

Any questions regarding torrents should make no mention of what content is being transferred by actually using said torrent files. There are no merits to supplying what content the torrent is providing the end user, and specifying it will only further support suppressive viewpoints on torrent questions.

Torrents have legitimate purposes, and we should promote this type of use on Super User. All questions related to torrents should be separated from any mention of what is being downloaded.

Simple, really - just remove any mention of content, illegal or not. We have no reason for discussing what is being downloaded anyways, since it's just plain irrelevant (not to mention the privacy implications).

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