We don't like company-only tags, and there's been various crusades in the past to purge them:
- Can we get rid of the company tags?
- Company tag necromancy: The zombie apocalypse!
- What should the [microsoft] tag be used for?
- Lotus tag cleanup
- Retagging [microsoft] questions
- Retagging [google] questions
- Retagging [firefox] [mozilla] questions?
Unlike a specific product, a company does not represent an area of expertise. Someone could be an expert in one product, but have no idea about another. microsoft is a prime example of this, with Office, OS, Apps, Phone and other software & hardware to cover, it's likely an expert in one does not necessarily make them an expert in the other.
Is this something that we consider a problem? If so, break out the pitchforks!
- In some cases, the questions should be retagged to more specific product tags
- In others, the tag should simply be removed outright.
There are more than the few I've listed below, so feel free to add them as you find them.
###Tags Found: adobe amazon amd apple asrock asus atheros ati atlassian belkin brother canon dell dlink gigabyte hp intel lenovo lexmark lg linksys microsoft mozilla netgear nvidia redhat samsung seagate sony toshiba western-digital
###Tags Burned/Merged/Cleaned (so far): acer alienware buffalo epson fujitsu fujitsu-siemens kodak logitech lotus matrox msi oki panasonic razer xerox zyxel