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Anything related to posting answers, e.g. about improving their content, voting on answers, editing others' answers, etc.

11 votes

Why try to answer if you're unfamiliar with the question?

Your answer may be correct, because of your ability to clearly interpret the language used in the question as it applies to the program, but it's far from guaranteed that a local expert of the program …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
8 votes

What's the policy on using the same answer to multiple questions about the same thing?

If there are already answers by other users, read those answers, and make sure that your answer isn't redundant (i.e. just restating the same answer in your own words). … Some of the questions that you answered should be marked as duplicate rather than having more answers dumped on them. …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
6 votes

How to deal with answers I cannot check anymore?

Folks accessing the site trying to gain knowledge from your question and the answers to it will tend to trust the vote totals over the green checkmark. … If you want to avoid misleading others into thinking that bad answers are good, or that unverified answers are verified, you might want to hold off on accepting the answer if you can't verify that it's …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
4 votes

Can someone write another answer for our canonical malware question?

... But I can upvote your question in hopes that someone else will. (This answer brought to you by Humor. Sometimes, you just gotta have fun.)
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
27 votes

Are link-only answers fine if they link to Super User questions?

Link-only answers are never fine. If you need to link to a SuperUser question or answer in order to answer a question, vote or flag to close the question as a duplicate of that question. … To book-end this answer once more: Link-only answers are never fine. …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
8 votes

Should I take question quality into account when answering questions?

Two parts to this answer The fact that he made this comment openly on someone's question is fairly rude and sets the wrong tone for the site. I don't condone it. The practice of not answering questi …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
5 votes

Why do high-reputation users tend to have lots of answers but very few or no questions, and ...

A lot of the good, topical questions on SuperUser fall in or around the same areas of expertise, so if someone is making a lot of answers (and the answers are good/valid/upvoted/etc), chances are they … On the other hand, these users may have accounts elsewhere on the SE network where they primarily ask questions and post few answers. …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
4 votes

Should I flag an answer which *tries* to answer the question, but is useless for this *parti...

The diamond moderators have enough on their plate; they don't need to contend with incorrect answers also. … For that you just drop a downvote and the voting process will do its job to signal to people that wrong answers are... well, wrong. When it has a -6, would you take its advice? No? …
allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k
1 vote

Why are some Super User answers not sorted by up-votes?

allquixotic's user avatar
  • 34.7k