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Journeyman Geek's user avatar
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
Journeyman Geek
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Retag windows-8 as windows-8-preview

1 vote

There ain't no such thing as a free tag

1 vote

Why are people so quick to vote down?

1 vote

What is the policy on duplicate answers?

1 vote

Should we reconsider changing the minimum rep to upvote?

1 vote

Should we edit out spam from spam posts?

1 vote

Would a "personal feedback" question be appropriate on Meta.SU?

1 vote

What is the proper way to ask technical question about hardware compatibility before purchase

1 vote

Make the use of an OS tag compulsory for all questions

1 vote

Reputation vs. value

1 vote

Appropriate site for question regarding my findings?

1 vote

My question closed as a duplicate of another question with is not at all the same except for a couple of similarities

1 vote

What to do with a question about a script for Windows XP that became a list of different types of scripts

1 vote

Please clean up spam by user Metaphor

1 vote

Flagging content that is later edited

1 vote

Several questions on this site meet the criteria for automatic deletion, but aren't being deleted due to a bug. What should be done about them?

1 vote

The monster that can't be killed

1 vote

Remove OpenID Question from FAQ?

1 vote

Should I post a question if the answer is easily available on google? But not a dupe on the SE Network?

1 vote

Can I add a stackexchange login?

1 vote

A clarification request for declined spam flag

1 vote

Why am I penalized for someone removing his own answer?

1 vote

Why close a straightforward question about master and slave drives?

1 vote

Guidelines to request information?

1 vote

When I'll be able to ask question?

1 vote

Specific policy on AWS & EC2?

1 vote

Do questions about Discord belong on Super User or Web Applications?

1 vote

When is it appropriate to decide for a questioner whether or not an answer answers their post?

0 votes

If a question is put "on hold" but I have answered, should I remove the answer?

0 votes

Recovery tag needs to stop recovering