How does a new superuser increase their reputation?
Guidance points? Po ups? I haven’t seen any. I did actually search for ways to gain reputation and spent a good hour digging through questions trying to answer a few but every time I found something that I felt I had enough knowledge to provide some help, I found I needed more rep. to actually post. This is what led me to the question. And the whole reason why I started this journey is because someone else had posted a question, there was a valid answer that actually helped but the votes were not high enough to be near the top, so I thought I would up vote it. I’m still waiting for enough rep
How does a new superuser increase their reputation?
Thanks, I struggled to find questions which I could actually answer and it seemed that nearly everyone I found something that I thought “OH! I know this one!” I found that I needed more reputation to answer it. Anyway, with further digging I managed to find a question that I could answer so thanks to all who provided help!
How does a new superuser increase their reputation?
Thanks. I have been trying to find questions to help others, but I can only seem to find questions that require 15+ to respond... I understand the reasoning, but it is frustrating trying to get the rep to help without first having the rep to help!