Would it be possible to have comments that are flagged as offensive, immediately not viewable until they are moderated?
According to the recent testing of comment flagging and autodeletion, it turns out that a single "rude or offensive" flag against a comment that contains a known bad word will result in the comment being autodeleted, similar to how a single "obsolete" flag against a comment containing the text "acceptance rate" (replace "acceptance" with "accept") will cause the comment to be autodeleted.
Moderator feature suggestion: Restrict comments for a particular Answer
@Sathya Based on what I've seen, locking a question for historical significance does lock the answers, but locking for any other reason does not lock the answers.
Moderator feature suggestion: Restrict comments for a particular Answer
There should be a way to disallow comments without restricting editing and voting.
Why is commenting everywhere restricted to those with enough reputation?
You need 250 reputation to see close votes on your own questions.
Size doesn't matter
Mark your own question as status-planned! In other words, I agree with you.
Ongoing community task: ensure there are no [untagged] questions
@Vi. This is the exact reason why this request exists. If there is any untagged question, it will be replaced by another user (who knows that the tag isn't supposed to exist). However, your info really only applies if the user has the necessary rep needed to create new tags (most of the time); otherwise, they would need to use some other tag.
Add a domain to the spam blacklist
possible duplicate of Can we block [] from spamming our site? ... questions are a little different but the answer from there still applies here
Is the [multitouch] tag needed?
@OliverSalzburg The tag is gone now!
Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again
I think we should rename msi into windows-installer-package. It is used for two different meanings: the installer package files (the clearly defined meaning), and the company (the frequently-misunderstood meaning). But first, we've got to remove the tag from questions that use the latter meaning.
Should we be having periodic, full throttle cleanups?
"everything that helps us get rid of all these crappy tags is a welcome change and I'm all in favor of it" about blacklisting the company tags and putting an end to them altogether?
Is Hide X a real product?
There isn't a Wikipedia article for this software. Do you think you should create it? (Remember, you'll need to cite your sources.)
Create tag for Java-8 on SuperUser
java-7 shouldn't have existed in the first place. Its creation was a mistake.
Should we be having periodic, full throttle cleanups?
@Robotnik Given that the maximum rep you can earn from having suggested edits approved is 1000, if your idea was to be the case, you'd need only 250 edits, not 500, to max out.
Should we be having periodic, full throttle cleanups?
@JourneymanGeek That's a better idea, keeping in mind that it's only CMs and developers who have the ability to post system messages, and not moderators.
Can we see the posts we (helpfully) flagged?
@MichaelKjörling I would show you an example of this, but right now I'm in a network where
is blocked. I'll get a couple when I'm home later.
Should we be having periodic, full throttle cleanups?
What if the site happens to be locked in "read-only mode" during this scheduled time? We should let the SE team know that they should not conduct tests during this time. Additionally, maybe you should also tell them to temporarily show the "recommended" homepage ( during this time (so as not to show a filled "active" homepage).
Can we see the posts we (helpfully) flagged?
@MichaelKjörling Is this why it sometimes looks like the first revision of a post was created after the question was initially posted, and sometimes it's not created by the original author?