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Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • London, Canada
20 votes

Is it rude to answer a question that has been solved in comments?

16 votes

Is it proper to ask a question about removing advertisments in an application?

12 votes

What should I name my chat bot? And updates to greeting message

8 votes

Is my answer so improbable or too low quality?

8 votes

Was I wrong answering an off-topic question?

5 votes

How to improve my tumbleweeded question

5 votes

Safe lubricants to use is not primarily opinion based

3 votes

Is there any way to help mitigate the number of duplicate answers on SuperUser?

3 votes

Questions Asking for Product Recommendations

2 votes

need help to sign out of

2 votes

The [failure] tag, a story of fail?

2 votes

What do you do if you want to ask a question, but someone already asked it, and there wasn't a decent answer response?

1 vote

Question incorrectly marked as duplicate

1 vote

Existing question does not cover recent versions: Extend or create new question?

-1 votes

Can a question limit be displayed *before* allowing a user to attempt asking a question?