Unable to clear my REPUTATION - deadly embrace
Thank you for your help on this, and for relocating this to Meta SuperUser. Apparently I managed to time out between my initial comment and my edits, so a second comment.
Unable to clear my REPUTATION - deadly embrace
I have no "existing answers" to fix, so I can't undo those items.
Unable to clear my REPUTATION - deadly embrace
Since this is the first time I've even heard of the "Meta" site, and it having the ability to be posted to, seems a bit draconian to yet again punish for asking a relevant question of this nature on any forum here. Also, when the count for a question is "1", and someone puts you to "-1", and you delete the question - you're locked out of that forum - from my personal experience here.
Unable to clear my REPUTATION - deadly embrace
Thanks for the commiseration. It was rather harsh and berating as well to try to help others and get slammed for it. I would open a new account, but my reputation on other "forums" is up there, after years of posting, and I'd rather not lose that.