Is answering to a software recommendation request considered spam?
@Wildcard I wasn't suggesting that one shouldn't be allowed to indicate a lack of affiliation, but rather that one shouldn't be obligated to do so.
Should we be copying other Stack Exchange sites Q&As so we can create "canonical" Q&As here?
In that case, you might want to replace one or two instances of the word "site" in your question with "Stack Exchange site" to eliminate that ambiguity. After reading your post a couple of times over, I figured that that was probably what you meant, but a less diligent reader could easily make the other interpretation.
Should we be copying other Stack Exchange sites Q&As so we can create "canonical" Q&As here?
Are you asking only with respect to other sites in the Stack Exchange Network, or are you asking about outside Q&A sites as well, like TechNet or Experts Exchange?
Old questions - system discourages answering them?
@Adrien there is no minimum reputation required for accepting an answer. Same for editing - at least the edits that can earn you rep, which is what Ramhound is referring to. When you have <2,000 rep, you can suggest edits, which go into a review queue, and if your suggestion is accepted, you gain 2 rep. After you have 2,000 rep, your edits no longer need reviewed, but you can't earn rep that way any more.
Tab Tab Tab, is this browser on
I have a problem that involves computers. Can we make a tag for that?
Is this kind of "non-answer" appropriate?
@ChristianSeverin if you just want the simple, one-word answer, you might not be in the right place. If your problem had such an answer, you'd have found it already; this site exists because some questions can't be answered so simply.
Are questions about wallpaper images on topic here?
I recall once seeing (not on SE) a discussion along these lines about the default wallpaper from Windows XP, to which the facts were derived from knowing the identity of the photographer who sold the image rights to Microsoft. Is there a SE site where questions about a copyrighted work's origin would be on topic?
Is answering to a software recommendation request considered spam?
"You weren't explicit enough in disclosing that you aren't the author." I'm pretty sure the "must disclose" rule is only directed at those that actually are affiliated with the product or service they're linking to. I've seen plenty of posts with text like "Full disclosure: I work for Company X" but I don't think I've ever seen one that said "Full disclosure: I am not affiliated with Company X in any way". I think things would start to look very silly indeed, if every recommendation post required such a disclaimer in the negative case as well as the positive.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I just spent 3-4 hours over a few days troubleshooting a problem, including some Google results of my exact problem in which no less than 4 solutions were provided, one of which seemed to have worked for every other user, but none of them worked for me. Then I rebooted, and the problem went away.