Community Promotion Ads - 1H 2011
I'm so used to seeing the vote/accept icons that I automatically mentally separated the left and right parts of this ad. Which left me wondering what "OTE" stood for.
Community Promotion Ads - 1H 2011
If your only complaint about 7zip is that it's ugly, there is a skinning program you can use. @Meh
Conflicting edits are allowed. Warning needed?
Also note that the more substantial edit will win as of late May 2011.
auto show vote count on homepage
Any solution for this problem will require 1k rep, since users below 1k can't even see split vote counts for individual posts. Also, if you like controversy, check out my controversy/insightfulness badge request, which is itself at +28/-11.
Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?
@Scott, I suppose so. On my previous visits to the question, that bullet point seemed more dismissive than helpful, because it's such a a brief, low-effort mention. To give the answerer benefit of the doubt, though, he might have just thought it wasn't necessary to restate the content of the other answers since they're already right there on the page.
Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?
For what it's worth, I consider "it is not possible to solve this technically" to be a technical answer (for the purposes of this discussion).
Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?
@Scott, I would say "You should really consider redesigning your table for reasons x, y and z. However, to answer your question, you can store it like this: ..."
Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?
What if the next visitor to that question isn't there because of a relationship? Perhaps a family member or boss has asked him to clean a hard drive.
Are purely non-technical answers to technical problems on-topic?
Administrative note: I've put a link to this meta question in a comment under the relevant answer and notified the users who disagreed with me.
Chat flag indicator may be getting shown to unqualified users
Interesting, @Wil. I'm at about 7k if you don't count SO and MSO, which still shouldn't be enough to see flags. With SO and MSO, I'm well over 10k. Perhaps they do count SO and MSO, even though those sites have their own separate chat.
Do we care about edit flooding? Should we be doing anything?
I've been noticing your edits lately, Gareth. You even got some of my posts. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work!
Large number of small edits during birthday celebration
For what it's worth, I do editing here in occasional bursts/sprees. I came back for a new one earlier this week, and discovered the SU anniversary announcement on the main page shortly after I started. Now I am working just a little harder than I might have otherwise, which is better for the site (in my opinion). Now that my bias is in the open: I have no problem with people editing just for the contest, because the truly trivial edits get blocked by the system anyhow. Yes, lazy approval can be a problem, but that means we need to fix approver behavior, not discourage editing.
Large number of small edits during birthday celebration
Never a good sign when the edit comment is "grammer"....