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Breakthrough's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
How is the term "Computer" defined on Super User?
"Real PCs are General Purpose Computing Devices. Real PCs run arbitrary software" So I can ask questions regarding my graphing calculator here too? I think not.
Should Tablet Computer questions be allowed on Super User?
@KronoS this is exactly what I was trying to get across, +1. I put your comment in my answer above, it's worded very well.
Should Tablet Computer questions be allowed on Super User?
@Lance Roberts you think this site should be about all non-phone-form-factor computers, but you also don't think that specific operating systems should be the issue? I don't see your logic in restricting one aspect of a device but allowing the other. Where do we draw the line, and who decides what a non-phone-form-factor computer is? Also, last I checked, the form factor of a tablet is nearly the same as a cellphone (albeit a bit larger).
Should Tablet Computer questions be allowed on Super User?
All tablets (sans the ones that run a "full" desktop OS) are nothing more than glorified cell phones... Unless there's something my Android phone can't do that your tablet can (in which case, I'd love to hear it). We have to draw the line somewhere, and this is where.
Will iPad be acceptable subject matter for Super User? I guess not?
It's an over-sized cellphone man, come on. These questions should go on Apple.SE and stay there! Just like all Android tablet questions should be on Android.SE. The issues on SuperUser usually are restricted to larger desktop and laptop-like computers running Windows, Linux, Unix, or Mac operating systems, especially since most software for those platforms is cross-platform. The same can not be said for Android/iOS/WP7.
VOTE for the Most Valued Super User
+1, slhck is a very knowledgeable member in the community, and contributes quite a bit (in terms of edits, answers, and quality). Good luck man, I hope you win MVSU!
Question closed due to non-question format -- rewritten
There are a ton of questions that ask the exact same thing as yours. If it was to be reopened, I would just flag it as a duplicate... But that would take more work on my part this time. Maybe you should do a search before posting. Hint: clonezilla.
My software rec question got closed as a duplicate, while it is not
Normally, the term "lightweight" doesn't go alongside with a million features and monitors like you want in a "simple tray monitor". Just remember, it takes CPU cycles to actually figure out those things, they aren't "just available".
Target audience of answer on SU
@soandos I totally agree with you, barlop is way out of line there. We don't want to promote bad security practices here on SuperUser, but we should equally embrace how to overcome these security features if need be. At the end of the day, while it is the end user's responsibility, but they should at least be informed about the potential risks. I rolled back the post to include your warning, because I feel it is very valid and should definitely be included in the answer.
Ideas for celebrating Super User's 2nd anniversary
I have to agree with this. I can see no possible way a "race for reputation" contest will ever benefit the community...