Best practice on first post review - should close immediately?
@Ramhound Do you usually downvote when you vote to close? Or just some of the time?
Best practice on first post review - should close immediately?
@Ramhound Yes, I've heard that too. But I regularly provide feedback, and I have not personally experienced it. Having said that, the posters don't usually use the feedback either.
Best practice on first post review - should close immediately?
I don't think worrying overmuch about people's feelings is the way to go. If you want to help them, make specific suggestions for improvement. Voting to close isn't a problem per se, but if people aren't giving feedback about how to improve their posts, and their question is closed, that doesn't seem very friendly.
Are edits from anonymous users worth the trouble?
Ok. I think these policies are SE wide. Would SE even consider modifying them selectively on a per-site basis? Also, there doesn't seem to be a proper mechanism of submitting such proposals to SE that I am aware of. I too (in U&L) have suggested changes that people agreed with (based on upvotes), but then nothing happened. See Add suggestions in user template about mentioning OS/distribution and version for example.
Are edits from anonymous users worth the trouble?
I'm unclear on the purpose of this question. Is the end goal to change SE policy?