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soandos's user avatar
soandos's user avatar
soandos's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Baltimore, MD, United States
11 votes

Are "explain the technology to me" questions on-topic?

10 votes

The perils of unclear questions and users who answer first and comment later

6 votes

Let's bring back to life the now (somewhat) dead Super User Blog

5 votes

Let's bring back to life the now (somewhat) dead Super User Blog

5 votes

Require users that plan to edit flood over a certain rate / amount to get permission

3 votes

Tag wiki edit awarded double rep

2 votes

How do members of the SuperUser community coordinate to close a question?

2 votes

Make reviewers explain why they accept a suggested edit

2 votes

Another chameleon question

2 votes

Why do people post their answers as comments?

1 vote

How to find the referers [sic] for a suddenly popular question?

1 vote

Are printers and their hardware problems (NOT a driver issue), on topic for Super User?

0 votes

Beta Software (eg Windows 8 at this time) Too Localized?

0 votes

Proposal: Sponsoring some Community FAQs and Canonical Answers

0 votes

What are the rules for diagnosis logfiles - and is such a question even allowed?

-2 votes

Suggestions for updating our FAQ