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Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
4 votes

Question of the Week #37

4 votes

Status for "Question of the Week" and related ad on the front page

4 votes

Why do deleted questions remove the reputation?

3 votes

Why has the Antivirus question been closed?

3 votes

How can I see the source of the current revision of an answer with a pending edit?

3 votes

Do we need both [website] and [webpage]?

3 votes

Is this question acceptable for this site?

3 votes

Reasons for Bounty

3 votes

Target Audience

3 votes

Should the Vote to Close option be altered?

3 votes

Let's bring back to life the now (somewhat) dead Super User Blog

3 votes

So what do I do when nobody seems to respond?

3 votes

Folks, we need a decent canonical Windows recovery question

3 votes

Formatting Goodies

3 votes

Why was 523119 closed?

3 votes

[Aero-Peek], [Aero-Snap], and [Aero], one and the same?

3 votes

Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags?

3 votes

Un-close question -- not off-topic?

3 votes

How do I make the distinction between editing an answer to add content (detail) vs. just answering that question?

3 votes

Comments are not wrapped, continued on other side of page

3 votes

On file removal, deletion, erasing and friends thereof

3 votes

Please convert to comments more often instead of just deleting answers

3 votes

How can we promote the blog?

3 votes

Large number of small edits during birthday celebration

3 votes

What to do with questions where the user is clearly asking for a way to cheat the SE system?

3 votes

Should I delete answers with no votes?

3 votes

Suggestion for new Vote to Close Reason: Shopping recommendation

2 votes

Why strangulate the DOS-discussion in the comments?

2 votes

What can we do about questions remaining for days on the Unanswered tab?

2 votes

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