The primary answer to question I washed my USB drive. Any long-term risks? was deleted as off-topic:
37 upvotes, answered 2011-12-28 22:03:55Z, deleted by a moderator at 2011-12-29 22:52:33Z
Seems likely that the life span has diminished. There are metal parts that if got wet may corrode over time, unless you are absolutely sure you got all the water out.
Putting it in a bowl of rice overnight would help. I would say that the increased risk versus the cost of a new usb drive isn't worth it.
I am a big proponent of keeping value in both questions and answers in SU, yet an answer with significant upvotes with to a question with significant upvotes was deleted as off-topic, and while I understand the premise may be trivial, it got enough attention from the community that people spent the time to show it was worth considering both the question and answer. Enough to trigger the "good answer" badge.
I have only been a participant in this community for four months or so, so am relatively new. The question was deemed by the moderator as on-topic, yet the answer is off-topic. It wasn't inviting discussion, as only seven comments were added.
It is important for people approaching the 10k mark to understand when SU policy should supersede the direction of the community, so I am looking to understand why this answer was deleted. The question was asked, and voted up. The answer was provided and voted up.
So why the deletion?