The general topic of general tag and version tags is discussed in tag + tag Version or just tag version. However, the answers don't address some specific issues:
Situation: OP states he is using Excel 2010 and tags the question as such. The question relates to the proper syntax for a worksheet function, which is the same in all versions of Excel. The 2010 tag is harmful in this case because it deflects others from finding a generic Excel Q&A that applies to all other versions.
- Shouldn't such a question to have a version-agnostic tag?
In the question referenced at the top, the advice seems to be to use a version-specific tag when the question is version-specific and a version-agnostic tag is the question is not. This answer to a related Meta question seems to indicate that a version-specific tag is preferable (and I seem to recall other discussion on Meta that version-specific tags are always preferable). I don't want to trigger re-tagging wars.
- Does this come down to personal judgement or is there any official guidance?
- Shouldn't such a question to have a version-agnostic tag?
Situation: Application XYZ has been around through many versions. There is a feature or bug that applies to versions 8 and 9, and only those versions. OP writes a question about it and tags it with version 8, which is what he uses.
- Should the version 9 tag be added to help others who use version 9 and might not spot the Q&A if it is tagged only with version 8?
- Should the version 9 tag be added to help others who use version 9 and might not spot the Q&A if it is tagged only with version 8?
Situation: OP writes a generic Excel question and then tags it with every version-specific Excel tag that will fit in order to attract the widest possible viewership.
- Should the author's preferences be respected and the tags left alone? or
- Should the tags be cleaned up (and the OP can replace them if he doesn't like the change)?