I would like to see up/down vote tallies not released until the question has had a chance to be viewed. It's fairly well established that seeing results of votes before you have had a chance to express your opinion (or vote) affects those who view a question later.
How many people don't have a tendency to jump on a bandwagon and follow the along.
Admittedly, comments can have the same effect, but at least there, one can consider why the person commented a particular way: ex: "I don't like your question because I feel anyone who uses Cobol as a programming language deserves all the problems they get..." At least subsequent readers may have a clue as to why the commenter didn't like the question and can choose to agree, disagree, ignore, or contextualize the opinion based on the writer's stated position.
It also might reduce crowd-oriented opinions which, mob-psychology generally shows a tendency towards extreme and unhealthy responses. (burn her, she's a witch!)...gulp...
To emphasize my comment after Journeyman's comment: where I said:
It may be that allowing the poster to see the count might be reasonable, though they'd have to be reminded that the final count won't be displayed until later and not to bias the results by talking about early returns.
It's only about votes affecting other voters that I'm worried about -- not about the question author seeing the votes.
Now the question is is whether or not they took into consideration the added comment or not.