In the SuperUser forums, the majority of the comments have negative undertones and more focus is placed on subtle low-key comments that create a toxic culture by its very nature. Users ignore the questions you post and focus only on compliance with the rules which is understandable, but since your in the area, maybe answering the question after a prick comment would help balance the scales to status quo.
The result of this is the majority of Users (top 1% Veterans to the month old noob) all engage in this pitty patty type of rhetoric where they discuss and point out useless semantics, grammar,formatting so much that it seems the core functionality of the site is lost in a negative, sarcastic, self-indulging, ego train of "Holier than Thou" forum referees with a chip on their shoulder as if my question is not worthy. Regardless of compliance with the ToU/Guidelines, it is easy to pick out arbitrary violations because it's commonly just a matter of individual perspective and can not be refuted entirely, only debated with opinions and counter-productive to answers/troubleshooting.
The false sense of superiority over others in need of help is despicable. I find myself having to defend my position at every post. It's like this game they play where the rules are used and manipulated by Veterans who are savvy at the art of crap posting, and policing the forums for arbitrary reasons citing "Read: How to properly ask a question" or "This is why users with no reputation can not comment". The over use of this has created a crap-culture where a new user like me is forced to fire back with intellectual wit of my own, thus, acting just like them.
I rather be humble in my quest for help from strangers as it is very much appreciated. Knowledge is a valuable commodity, and I realize that spam and crap posts are abundant and this is the structure needed to weed out the environment to provide a more fluid and functional forum system but damn!!! So hostile. I caught myself becoming defensive and went from being humble one minute, next minute I am using my wit to engage in a back and forth battle of who has the best comeback to invalidate the other.
Bunch of crap. Let's see some examples.
Newbie Q: Is there a way to manage filepaths more conveniently in Windows 7 besides the small dialogue box gui provided? SuperUser A: Define "convenient" and edit your post. This is why you should read "Why do I need 50 rep to comment" before posting.
A popular comment to get rep points is; >"This comment does not add anything that is already posted." which is used so vaguely that it can be applied to nearly every post.
It seems like they are on an all out search for opportunities to post quick and easy forum policing comments rather that reading the OP question.
I hope I am not ranting and being overly sensitive. I am capable of this interaction as well but, I rather find more productive usage of my time to resolve issues that are important to me. It's easy to get exchange jabs with someone, but, I lose out in the end by offending Veteran users who have a lot to offer if I can just refrain from taking the bait when I feel insulted.
I also enjoy helping others when I can, and only provide answers that I know can provide resolution or a path forward towards it. Immediately after any answer I post, I get responses such as;
"OP did not mention BIOS" and votes me down. I replied "OP did not mention BIOS" because users with questions do not normally put the answer in that question. The BIOS settings are the 1st step towards troubleshooting legacy compatibility issues.....blah blah, blah.
Totally owned the poor guy and several others. Very smart people are in these forums, way smarter than me, but they are pompous and arrogant for the most part and it is very disheartening as I thought this community was the creme' de la creme' of support forums. -Instead it's just a game of witty debate where no progress is made.
We all have different styles of writing, and approaching a complicated question. Many Questions can not be answered without clarification of course, so maybe new or unregistered users can submit to a less restrictive forum 1st and moved to SuperUser if validated. Seeing some poor guy ask a question, one sentence no details sucks, but getting bashed for it without providing some guidance will surely turn that user away to never return. You can lay down the law and be strict, but, at the same time provide some insight.
The Forum Police seem to post a lot of comments with no effort to answer the question. People who answer are vastly out numbered by the self righteous SuperPolice.
-Please feel free to respond, and put me in my place if needed. Provide some perspective, does this methodology really work and do the metrics show that? Is this a normal stage that noobs go through or am I just being overly sensitive and should consider looking within myself for issues of being overly sensitive. In the corporate world, many times every day we are tempted to react to an jerk end-user is not a healthy formula for success,(and it might be the CEO's nephew) on the other line.
Should I continue as I have been, where I am quick to fire back, or should I just go with the flow and keep it professional and indifferent?
Interpersonal skills are always very dynamic, but SuperUser forums are very Toxic.
Thanks for Reading and Please respond candidly.