On chat.meta.stackoverflow, there's a little easter egg where text entered as


will be rendered as a moderator only tag.

We'd like to do something similar, but specific to superuser -- namely, when you type a magic string, something amusing and in-joke-y for superuser.com happens, and it's visible to the entire chat room.

Do you have any ideas for anything super-user-y we can do as an easter egg in chat.superuser.com ?

Answer here, or in the dedicated chat room for this topic at http://chat.superuser.com/rooms/14/pick-a-meme

  • 1
    Someone yesterday mentioned something involving Microsoft Clippy - Would love to see that!... can't really suggest much past that! Commented Sep 20, 2010 at 23:50
  • You should work on that accept rate ;)
    – default
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 16:50

6 Answers 6


via @balpha:

how about this: When the message matches /^how (?:can|do) I (.+)\?/i, a talking paper clip appears with a speech bubble saying "It looks like you're trying to \1. Do you want some help?" and a link to SU


enter image description here


  • 1
    I encountered this today and I was horrified.
    – Wrzlprmft
    Commented Jul 14, 2015 at 14:02
  • @Wrzlprmft, As was I, just now....
    – El8dN8
    Commented Aug 27, 2017 at 8:17

How about involving the term

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

.. for random questions? Not sure if it would work, but that quote solves about 90% of the questions right? :-)
(perhaps it would fit better on serverfault though)

  • @Michael, good news, you can propose it
    – Pops
    Commented Sep 21, 2010 at 16:42
  • @Lord: sweet! I'll propose it there as well :)
    – default
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 16:09
  • Seemed to work fine, couldn't reassociate with one account, but I'll retry some day. here's the new response :)
    – default
    Commented Sep 26, 2010 at 0:00

Just to ensure the discussions on chat are not lost.

via @Ivo Links: 1, 2, 3, 4

yeah it's pretty universal. Anyone who dares press the send button in the interface should get an error with this comic

  • I saw that on Reddit today...not as funny as this thread.
    – digitxp
    Commented Sep 21, 2010 at 2:41

via @JNK

AIt would be funny if anytime anyone said recursion it linked to the google search for recursion, which is in itself hilarious

  • 2
    I would repeat the message if someone said recursion
    – Ivo Flipse Mod
    Commented Sep 21, 2010 at 21:11

For anyone who wants a lame one: !!!! -> Crazy seizure-inducing banner ad.


How about something I am using in subversion comments for a long time:

Bunny appreciates this code
(\ /)
(> <)
Don´t mess with bunny!

It is editable so bunny can appreciate everything you do ;-)

  • BUNNIEZZ ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!
    – Sathyajith Bhat Mod
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 6:16

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