I like that the super-user site supports a limited subset of HTMl tags.
One of the supported HTML tags is <kbd>
tags for keyboard text.
Given that Stack Exchange mark-down language is not HTML, Stack Exchange mark-down tags can do things with HTML tags which HTML tags cannot.
My feature request would be that forward-slashes and backslashes be interchange-able in Stack Exchange mark-down language tags.
Example One
Example Two
An example is shown below.
> 1. Select all of the text on a page by pressing <kbd> Ctrl </kbd> + <kbd> A <\kbd>
> 2. Copy the text
> > to copy text press the control-key <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> and <kbd> C <\kbd> at the same time.
> 3. Paste the text into a word processor such as Microsoft Word, [office libre][2]
> > to paste text press the control-key <kbd>Ctrl<\kbd> and <kbd> V </kbd> at the same time.
> 4. Print it as ink on a sheet of physical paper.
Example of Rendered Output
How to Print a Stack Exchange Post
Select all of the text on a page by pressing Ctrl + A
Copy the text
to copy text press the control-key Ctrl and C at the same time.
- Paste the text into a word processor such as Microsoft Word, Office Libre
to paste text press the control-key Ctrl and V at the same time.
- Print it as ink on a sheet of physical paper.
may be used as an escape character so it would just be confusing to support<\key>