The comments on this were indeed a red herring, if it weren't for them you'd probably be wondering how or why the question was ever closed in the first place, and voted to reopen it.
The selection isn't random, the system tries very hard to give you an extremely obvious selection of what it thinks are extremely good questions that almost everyone would take the same action with. That doesn't work 100% of the time, the system has no idea what people were saying in comments, and every other indicator it had said "that's a great candidate for a review".
Audits will always state that what should look like a fantastic question was closed, leaving anyone actually paying attention screaming What the heck?! Why?!. It's rare that context the system can't comprehend makes this sort of muddy, but it does happen once in a while.
Don't worry about the occasional failed audit where the selection was poor, or that you simply find yourself at odds with actions that the community took. As long as you're paying close attention, there's nothing else to worry about.