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Why questions are closed and why asking new questions are banned?

Its good to organize and maintain the forum and make it look good and have question or research or knowledge sharing. As in stack exchange specially super user i have faced strict rules of closing ...
Androidquery's user avatar
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Was this question closed because a new user made an (easily correctable) Markdown formatting mistake and (correctable, ESL) grammar?

WSL2 duplicated terminal was Mod-closed as "Needs clarity or details", but even as originally written it was (again) quite understandable to me. It definitely had two problems: The new ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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Why is this whatsapp question off-topic?

Delete messages after hours WhatsApp why is this off topic? question text is How can I delete messages for everyone after several hours in WhatsApp?
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Why is the question about knowing which window manager too broad?

How to know the window manager a specific program uses? Why is this question too broad? I only ask one question at a time, which is specific and answerable. I think this kind of question is very good ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Why was my 'statistics' based question closed?

One of my questions: How is UEFI pronounced? was closed because it apparently was primarily opinion based. Know that it had the potential to flagged as such, I specifically worded it to ask for 'most ...
Bennett Yeo's user avatar
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If a user didn't want to hear opinions, but the answers were primarily opinion-based, would the question be closed?

I'm talking about my question: How far should one go to protect his PC? Closed as primarily opinion-based. But I never wanted to hear opinions, I wanted facts, like "Is FTP safe?", And the fact is "...
Lynob's user avatar
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Why is Deltek off topic? Why was this question considered off-topic? According to the FAQ: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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I think my question have been wrongly closed

I don't understand the argument on why the mod closed my question: AMD Radeon HD 7000 cards that do not use more than the total bandwidth of PCI-E 2.0 Small geographic area? I think my question could ...
Karolinger's user avatar
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Why was question about the space required for installing Raspbian closed as off-topic?

Question: How much space does Raspbian use? Why was this closed? The Raspberry Pi is a real computer and couldn't find the information elsewhere? If this actually should be closed, is there any ...
Tyilo's user avatar
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Why was my question on Itanium closed?

I asked a question about Why Intel dropped the Itanium and it was well received (IMO), but was closed as "Not Constructive". Is there any reason why it would be closed?
Cole Tobin's user avatar
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Why are open-ended questions closed so fast?

Why are "open-ended" question closed so fast when whether a question is open-ended or not is actually subjective? Someone can always come with a rock-solid collection of facts that will make his ...
NeuronQ's user avatar
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Why was this question (356778) closed?

Can data tapes be recorded/played on a standard cassette recorder? was closed as off-topic. I can see why someone would think that this is about a tape recorder ("electronic devices") but in the FAQ ...
Nate Koppenhaver's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Why was the question "Why are there 8 bits per byte?" closed?

TL;DR: I'm looking for opinions on why this question should be open or closed. Answer: I now understand why it has been closed: It is not a real problem because it has no practical use. https://...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
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saving streaming video played in web browser is off-topic on superuser?

I really want to save this video as I love the show but I have some troubles with their fast English ... so ... I asked here any-idea-how-to-save-video-from-this-site and the question was closed as ...
Radek's user avatar
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