On superuser we have
[keyboard-shortcuts] x 34
[shortcuts] x 4
[shortcut] x 2
I was thinking of changing the 6 ones labeled shortcuts and shortcut to keyboard-shortcuts as this would be the least work and only take a minute (retagging 4 questions). But I'm not sure. I think shortcuts is maybe better (are there other than 'keyboard-' shortcuts?).
So I'm asking the community... how should this be retagged?
Edit: Apparently (thanks Shog9) there is a difference in meaning between 'keyboard-shortcut' and 'shortcut' tout-court (the latter being e.g. a shorthand for instance to type into the Firefox address bar). So the only problem that remains now: should we take 'shortcut' or 'shortcuts' for that last meaning? This question doesn't give a decisive answer towards tags being plural or singular.
Another Edit: Ok, I've updated the tags, so now there's only 'keyboard-shortcuts' and 'shortcuts'. But I like Jeff Yates' idea of separating 'keyboard-shortcuts' in 'keyboard' and 'shortcuts'. Can this be done with the moderator tools?