There appear to be quite some tags that represent a file extension:
Some have a dot (.cfm, .mov), while others don't (bin, bkf).
A lot of these don't seem to have much questions in them.
There might be occasions where the file extension is used instead of the program.
Sometimes the tag is ambiguous and the three letter word could represent a program as well.
So, some questions related to them:
Are file extension tags welcome?
Should they be with or without a dot?
Should we add something in front or behind them to clarify that these are extensions?
eg. mov-extension vs mov-files vs .mov
What do you think about these tags? How should we make them more consistent and/or group them?
in Google, the top results don't have the dot. Google doesn't care.pdf
, (perhaps partially)php
. None of them with dot. The problem is, that the file extension is the same as the name or acronym of the format.