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Errors in superuser and stack overflow

Whenever I click on 'chat' I get some message about my number of posts being been limited and will expire in 3 days, but this is for the 'forum' (whatever its called) not for the chat room, and its ...
Recycle Bin's user avatar
6 votes
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Question moved to chat, where I cannot contribute

I asked a question at superuser, and a bunch of comments ensued trying to help me. Then a suggestion popped up to move the discussion to chat. That sounds fine, so I clicked it. But now I have to log ...
rich's user avatar
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Pinged usernames are not highlighted when followed by a comma

Pretty straightforward, its what the title says. Screenshot (courtesy of KronoS, who first noticed something was wrong): The ping works in that the notification shows up, as well as the sound, but ...
soandos's user avatar
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Support Option-Return for inserting new lines in Super User chat

On Mac OS X, pressing Option-Return inserts newlines in text input fields instead of e.g. submitting a form. This is a system-wide convention (Cocoa's insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:). Very few ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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Unable to talk in chat despite enough reputation

I am no longer able to participate on chat. Starting today (between 2AM and 1PM CET), something got broken. It clearly recognizes me, as clicking the avatar produces: But the chat user profile says ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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Page Not Found when clicking on non-existant tag in chat room

In the Ask a Super User Moderator chat room, when someone clicks on tag:moderator*, a page not found error is reached.
wizlog's user avatar
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Chat flag indicator may be getting shown to unqualified users

I'm pretty sure I don't have enough SU rep to be seeing chat flags. However, I saw the "flagged post" indicator when I logged in to chat just now. Clicking on it produced this screen: I'm guessing ...
Pops's user avatar
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