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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Choosing a canonical question for "Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?"

Super User has several questions asking how to check whether they have a 32-bit or 64-bit Operating System, and how to check if their CPU is 64-bit capable. The majority combine both questions into ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 15.1k
9 votes
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Swap the duplicates (the general question is closed, the vista-specific one is open)

Following the answer of How to suggest to change "X is a duplicate of Y" to "Y is a duplicate of X"?, I'm posting my question here: How do I full-screen my CMD? is marked as a ...
Basj's user avatar
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How is this a duplicate?

How to restore data after accidentally starting DD on a hard drive but stopping it before it went too far? Let's look at answers in the supposed duplicate: Click here in case you suspect corruption ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Can we convert older (question body format) duplicate notices to the new, not editable duplicate format?

Duplicates used to be handled by the system putting some markup in the question body, like so: > **Possible Duplicate:** > [Title of the Duplicate Question]( <!-- ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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My question was marked as duplicate but it's really not

I recently asked this question about a strange behaviour my computer was having. It had recorded keystrokes I've made one month ago, leading to think about a possible malware/keylogger infection. It ...
Michaël Polla's user avatar
2 votes
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Removing ALL similar answers instead of removing duplicates?

I was looking for an answer to the question How do I copy/paste into VirtualBox? I found two such questions here but none contained the answer that I need. After I figured out the answer myself I ...
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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Help us close duplicates of two new Community FAQ questions

I've recently added two questions to the Community FAQ because they were found to have many duplicates: USB flash drive not working or is appearing as an empty disk drive, Disk Management reports &...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.4k
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Creating sign-post questions

I came across a problem I couldn't quickly solve myself (stress related, my search skills were turned off). I copy and pasted the message into the Search bar of SU, and could not find any results in ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
2 votes
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A lot of "no such partition" questions, how do we clean them up?

See this Google Search for "no such partition" on Super User: 2700 (224 according to the last page). Without tag pages: 556 (206 according to the last page) Without tag pages and close votes: 551 (...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should my question be a duplicate?

I asked this question about network shares becoming inaccessible on my Windows computer. It was closed as a duplicate of this question. I'm not convinced mine should be closed as a duplicate of the ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar