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retaliatory down votes

At various times, my questions have received answers not properly addressing the original question, but instead targeted at a different question. Often, the user posting the answer will decline ...
brainchild's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How can I convert SEC EDGAR Form 13F into Excel?

Why was How can I convert SEC EDGAR Form 13F into Excel? unilaterally closed? Prof David Postill wrote Update the question so it focuses on one problem only. This will help others answer the ...
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-4 votes
2 answers

Add tag for drive-file-stream and for google-backup-and-sync

As the old Google Drive application is being depreciated on all platforms, I vote that we need new tags for its successors Drive File Stream and Google Backup and Sync in order to distinguish between ...
Next-Door Tech's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why do people can downvote a question without justification? [duplicate]

I have a huge problem with my pc Cannot restore Windows 8 from Windows 10 because of local administrator account I am desperate and asking for help. To my surprise someone downvoted my question ...
user75875's user avatar
  • 461
-5 votes
2 answers

Rep-mining / Using the site as a blog

I’ve noticed recently that numerous users (including high-rep users and even moderators) have been posting generic, hypothetical questions, followed immediately by an answer and accepting it. I don’t ...
Synetech's user avatar
  • 69.2k
-5 votes
4 answers

Why does StackExchange not fix the login account system?

I love the question/answer nature of this community but it's frustrating to do a Google search and find a question/answer on here that I'd like to contribute to, but then be presented with login phase,...
Ben Despain's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Random is closing questions as duplicates that should not be closed.

I have run in to this twice today. As I was typing a answer Random closed this and this question. For the first one, I understand that that one is truly a duplicate (even the poster said so in the ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Can I ask questions related to my assignments here?

I have been asked to design a network topology as per the given requirements in my assignment. I've already created the network topology using visio, but I am not sure if its correct. So I need ...
Jese Rodeiz's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Why aren't driveby downvoters themselves detected and penalised?

There are obvious cases of driveby downvoters. Why aren't the driveby downvoters penalised? It may even often be the same person as when it happens it's often three posts at a time that are downvoted....
barlop's user avatar
  • 24.7k
-5 votes
2 answers

Why is stating a reason not required when closing a question?

A few of my questions are closed and no reason is ever provided.. this is incredibly annoying, why was closing questions like the following allowed? Examples:
erikvold's user avatar
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"We are no longer accepting answers from this account. See the Help Center to learn more."

Why did I get a ban for providing an answer to a question which was helpful. Firstly I am a new user to superuser. I did a question a few years ago. I came back and thought I would answer a question ...
Mohamed's user avatar
-5 votes
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What is the purpose of these items

What do I do with these ridiculous hats. And my grammar may be wrong because I am a foreigner. Posting here is not easy - too many stupid rules.
whs's user avatar
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The process of closing a question is arguably rather hostile. Can we please find a better way?

Yes, I understand why questions are closed. I don't agree with many of the reasons for closing, but that's another issue. In any case, despite the somewhat-helpful information provided to the asker, ...
boot13's user avatar
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Ban Criteria - What are the exact business rules?

I have a reputation of more than 10K on some forums but banned from SuperUser! Where can I see the reason for the ban? There are some initial information on that but it did not help. I can see that ...
NoChance's user avatar
  • 148
-5 votes
3 answers

Wrongly Closing/on Hold'ing questions?

If a question that can be seen by some as a somewhat broad question (and others not that broad), but can be (and gets) answered as if it is a direct question (Q&A), is it wrong or ok for a ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 59
-5 votes
2 answers

Should we limit mass cleanup of tags on old questions?

After suggesting numerous tag cleanups on Meta, I'm wondering if for some of these, the current cleanup process might actually be a bad idea. I'm not referring to the collection of tags, themselves, ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
-5 votes
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New tag request - 'newbie-friendly'

I realise this is unlikely to be added by the newcomer themselves, but sometimes the simplest "LMGTFY" questions are from people new to a given platform/OS; they haven't yet really figured ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50.5k
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Why is this question too broad?

I asked the following question a few days ago, which has since been put on hold as too broad. I'm having trouble seeing in what way the question is too broad due to the fact I'm talking about a very ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
  • 13.4k
-5 votes
3 answers

Questions closed as duplicates of questions that are different

Why was this closed? It was closed as a duplicate, yet that other question is not a duplicate of it. It seems to me that people just quickly skimmed the question, and without paying too much attention ...
houbysoft's user avatar
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Can't see why this was put on hold

How to download folders larger than 20GB on Dropbox without a Pro account I have explained my reasoning from the edits and cross-referenced with the help center. One user seems to have a vendetta ...
Turkeyphant's user avatar
-5 votes
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why i have been blocked from asking questions?

i asked a two questions on superuser community one is with -5 votes and another is with +2 votes,and i even voted to delete my question to why am i blocked from asking question further? please refer ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
-5 votes
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Reopen request for "Installing fltk on VirtualBox"

In this question: Installing fltk on VirtualBox the asker wrote: Can someone give a very specific step-by-step instruction on how to install it? The next day fixer1234 posted this comment asking ...
karel's user avatar
  • 13.6k
-5 votes
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What is the Super User community for?

I have accounts on Stack Overflow and Ask Ubuntu and they cover almost all my queries. I just joined Super User, and I want to know which topics are supported and which types of questions are asked in ...
Rishabh Agrahari's user avatar
-5 votes
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Create tag for Java-8 on SuperUser

I don't have 300 rep, but I'd like the java-8 tag to be created, for the same reason that the java-7 exists.
flaviut's user avatar
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Then why are we closing "is possible to uninstall an operating system?"?

I really hate that first close reason. It doesn't tell me anything and too much. Doesn't tell me what is wrong, nor it tells me exactly what is wrong. Can somebody explain to me what part of the help ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Did I ever ask a question about Microsoft OneNote 2016?

As at Jan 15 2019, StackExchange doesn't let users see questions that aren't recently deleted.
user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible that some questions can be considered suitable only AFTER posting?

This is longer on my mind but now I experienced it also with my question. Imagine there is a question which has real answer which can be found after investigation (whether it is more or less ...
miroxlav's user avatar
  • 13.9k
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Hold process suggestion

I have noticed a number of questions (for example this one), that are put on hold because of a possibility rather than the actuality. Typically, it is a question that is worded in a way that could ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.8k
-5 votes
1 answer

Failed audit for trying to "improve" it

I was trying to edit away the "Thank you" when I came across this audit. Obviously it was an audit, but I figured that improving it would not mark it as incorrect. Apparently, improving counts as a ...
Jon's user avatar
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Readly : is this question on-topic

I subscribe to Readly which allows me to read 1,500+ magazines, with new issues every month. I can't see anything on their site to answer this. It is probably a legal question, but can I ask how to ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Why does it mean when a flag is rejected with "aware of content that requires intervention"?

In a similar approach of slhck's problem I thought that being very descriptive instead of just clicking not an answer would help, but instead I got a new flag reason returned: I don't feel like the ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
-5 votes
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Question considered "opinion based" inquiring about objective status of software project

Why is this question considered opinion based?: Project status of SUSE WebYaST I believe that whether an organization maintains a project is an objective matter, and I would be pleased if the ...
brainchild's user avatar
-5 votes
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After I select a Multi-level List, why must I click on “Numbering” to apply that List to subsequent paragraphs?

Why did Mokubai unilaterally close After I select a Multi-level List, why must I click on "Numbering" to apply that List to subsequent paragraphs? (why Word highlights "Numbering" and not "...
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-5 votes
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Basic questions being used to garner disproportionate amount of upvotes

I've recently noticed a trend of users asking the most basic, low-effort questions only to be met with a ton of upvotes, often along with the subsequent answers. This question and subsequent answer ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
  • 13.4k
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Automatic change of formatting while we answer [closed]

Whenever I give answers to the questions, my original format of the answer is not maintained. It is changed to all continuous statements all line by lines. So it becomes very clumsy for the reader, ...
Harshad Amichand Vegda's user avatar
-5 votes
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Should a question be closed as a duplicate of a different question because the other has an answer to the "duplicate"?

Should a question be closed as a duplicate of a different question just because the other has an answer to the "duplicate"?
ispiro's user avatar
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Wassup with "answers has to be platform independent"?

It seems that someone believes that SuperUser has to have answers that solves all problems in all OS's. While I strongly believe that each answer is right on its own if it addresses the question ...
Braiam's user avatar
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When is it appropriate to decide for a questioner whether or not an answer answers their post?

When is deleting an answer an appropriate response because it 'might not' (in the opinion of someone who displays a basic lack of understanding of the differences between how the windows console and ...
Astara's user avatar
  • 659
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When I'll be able to ask question? [duplicate]

I see this message You have reached your question limit Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. When this will resolve. Even though my ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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Shouldn't the hardware tag be enabled?

Currently, the "Hardware" tag is disabled: However, things such as "Hardware-failure" are allowed. The reason the tag was closed (based on my research) is that it lead to quite a bit of shopping ...
Jon's user avatar
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Unregistered Users Should Not Be Able to Suggest Edits

It bugs me when unregistered users edit my Answers. It's not that big a deal to undo their edits (Moderators always seem to approve them almost immediately), but when they make really bad edits (and ...
Isaac Rabinovitch's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is superuser still an active stack? [duplicate]

Posted a question then looked at the last 100 questions posted. Not many views, hardly any votes and maybe 1 or 2 answers. What happened?
OrganicLawnDIY's user avatar
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Quit bein' so blockin' [closed]

I think Stack Exchange is too strict on closing and deleting questions. Perfectly feasible questions are marked as low-quality, too broad, or "unclear what you're asking." Are we really going too far ...
clickbait's user avatar
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4 answers

Are Easter Eggs on topic, or not?

Recently this happened, I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face." as per
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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-6 votes
5 answers

Is this Really a Bad Question?

I'm getting slightly annoyed at people's continued comments on my question, and I'm wondering if I really should be, or if I need to actually fix something. I've asked what I believe to be a very ...
user541686's user avatar
  • 23.4k
-6 votes
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Downvotes on Necro Threads

What to do about grave diggers who insist on Frankensteining old questions and downvoting answers on 6 month old topics. Not a biggie but just annoying to see rep points go down. (I have a fragile ...
Scandalist's user avatar
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What is the policy for using SU as a blog?

In this post, the poster also supplied the answer. I wouldn't comment on it, except that I noticed that both post and answer were published on the same minute. I understand from this that the poster ...
harrymc's user avatar
-6 votes
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Have I been penalized for an answer 1 moderator didn't like?

I posted an answer that met both the spirit of the question and the literal question asked. It was a lot different from other answers, all of which were going down a trail suggested by the OP as a ...
HiTechHiTouch's user avatar
-6 votes
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Why do I need 10 reputation to answer stuff here?

I tried to answer this question, but was not able to because I don't yet have 10 reputation points. I used Google when I had the same problem, and would like to post an answer. How am I supposed to ...
dersimn's user avatar
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-6 votes
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what is the purpose of down-voting a question?

I understand the reason for up-voting a question. It is a good question and the results are likely to help someone in the future. But what is the purpose of down-voting? If the question is bad, ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 74.1k