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3 votes
1 answer

Suggestion to retag Microsoft Store

The Microsoft Store: was previously called the "Windows Store". To that end, I see questions under both:
4 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between the file-types and filetype tags?

What is the difference between the file-types and filetype tags? Is it best to leave them as two separate tags or merge them together?
1 vote
2 answers

Useful tag edits rejected

As part of retagging mikrotik away from the Manufacturer Meta-Tag to each individual product (mikrotik-routeros and mikrotik-swos), I've added relevant tags to questions that mentioned Mikrotik but ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a method to rename a tag without editing the questions?

I just added apache to the manufacturer meta tag list because Apache is a software foundation with an extensive list of projects, not just the web server software. The [apache] tag has been used for ...
1 vote
3 answers

Should misguided questions be appropriately re-tagged?

This question is looking for software to perform some image recognition in Windows. They mention that they'd like to do so in Photoshop or Windows if not in PS. If it's not possible with Photoshop, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adding 'language-highlighting' tag to a question, necessary?

Consider this question. I provided an answer with a bash script. I did remember to add embedded Prettify language hints. The highlighting didn't get turned on. Then I found this post on Meta SE ...
8 votes
3 answers

Mac and osx tag usage on SU

I see there are a lot of questions tagged mac (749) and even more tagged osx (860) on SuperUser. However, I find the usage of the tags to be quite inconsistent. A lot of people tag their questions mac ...
4 votes
3 answers

Can we have all ICS questions re-tagged?

Why is it that ics is used for questions relating to iCalendar? Can we have iCal or even iCalendar instead? I don't know if upper casing is allowed in tag names, but this could also be ical or ...
9 votes
0 answers

Could we be doing our tag edits better?

This came up on chat, and well, there's a few issues to be raised. Folk who're editing tags tend to get adviced to edit a few tags at a time, and it kinda worked - we've having more people editing ...
10 votes
3 answers

Do we need separate tags for [vnc]? They are oddly tagged

We seem to have vnc, vncserver and vnc-viewer. (Please note that I have retagged a small number vnc-server --> vncserver as per Ask a SU mod room) Some questions are tagged with all three, which ...
10 votes
2 answers

Should we do something about the [osx] / [mac] distinction?

TL;DR: osx and mac are a complete mess. What should we do about that? What's the current situation? Per this question, we've established the following distinction between the "OS X" and &...
5 votes
1 answer

Managing Management

file-management has 438 questions power-management has 326 questions password-management has 106 questions memory-management has 51 questions project-management has 45 questions time-management has ...
6 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between [profile] and [user-profiles]? Which to keep?

There are some questions tagged with both [profile] and [user-profiles]. See also: profile & user-profiles (Please note that I retagged some questions from user-profile to user-profiles as per ...
3 votes
2 answers

Are file extension tags welcome? Make them consistent/grouped?

There appear to be quite some tags that represent a file extension: Some have a dot (.cfm, .mov), while others don't (bin, bkf). A lot of these don't seem to have much questions in them. There might ...
3 votes
1 answer

The tag [media] is used for both music / video as well as mediums?

It seems that the media tag is ambiguously used. Sometimes it applies to music/video, and sometimes it applies to physical media like CDs. What should we do with it?
-6 votes
1 answer

Retags should not bump a post

I think (following the cd incident) that retags, as a maintenance operation, should not bump the question to the front page. What do you think?
2 votes
2 answers

Can retag without retag questions privilege

I was looking at the privileges, and noticed a Retag Questions privilege. However, as long as you can edit posts, you can retag, as I have done it. Bug because someone under 500 rep shouldn't be able ...
7 votes
2 answers

Retagging questions with the answer

This is a bit related to this topic on MSO. In a recently suggested and approved edit a tag was added to the topic, but it only became applicable through the answer. The user didn't know the tag was ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are we going for a public [sharing] tag or for specific [X-sharing] tags?

We have quite some sharing tags: sharing file-sharing connection-sharing screen-sharing home-sharing internet-sharing web-sharing keyboard-sharing file-sharing Will we go for the more public sharing ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why are changes applied without any reasoning or community agreement?

Please align the Excel tags isn't agreed upon, while Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags? has been there for ages and has been a consensus which we pretty much agreed up. Why does a ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is command-line a meta tag?

I noticed that command-line had no tag-wiki. So I thought I might try to add one. Unfortunately I wasn't among the top 20 answerers in that tag so I couldn't do it. I then thought about the bash tag(*...
10 votes
5 answers

Super User tagging convention: Ubuntu and variants

I know I promised to open this a long time ago... Super User has settled into some ad-hoc, but well-established, conventions for tagging questions about operating systems and their various versions. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Editing and retagging to make a duplicate fit?

There's a question currently open, but with one vote to close as duplicate. The open question is about fast user switching in Mac OS 10.6.4 (aka Snow Leopard). The original question has an answer ...
4 votes
2 answers

DLP tag renaming

Over on superuser we have a tag conflict. DLP is used for both for DLP & DLP Since it's only three questions it would be easy to retag them, but I don't know what tags I should use. Any ...