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Penalty for unexplained down-votes [duplicate]

Often I come across perfectly valid questions which have been down-voted for no apparent reason, sometimes with no comments or answers at all. I don't think a down-vote should ever be made without ...
AFH's user avatar
  • 17.8k
-15 votes
2 answers

Remove upvoting on comments under a question, only allow downvoting

If you don't know an answer, why don't you simply pass-by? No question is stupid. We are all human beings and can have different ideas at times and just because of difference, another idea can't be ...
usr280492's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Would it be possible to have comments that are flagged as offensive, immediately not viewable until they are moderated?

Example: I'm relatively secure in my sexuality, and laughed more than anything. But, maybe it would be a good idea to have anyone with a reputation of over 1K be able to flag offensive content (...
Everett's user avatar
  • 6,045
2 votes
1 answer

In comment @replies, can the user shown link to their profile or the comment being replied to?

Reading this: How do comment @replies work? It describes how this mechanism works, but in using it (and seeing it used throughout the sites), it doesn't turn the name into a link to either the ...
Ben Richards's user avatar
  • 12.9k
4 votes
2 answers

Comment vote equilibrium: Ability to vote down

We can vote up and down for Questions and for Answers, but we can only vote up for comments. As some comments are worthy of down votes, this is a feature suggestion to add the ability to vote down on ...
Randolf Richardson's user avatar