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11 votes
5 answers

How to create image thumbnails?

When I upload images to SU it's usually to showcase some error message or some dialog box. However, most of the time, the uploaded images are just too big. Especially when I write answers with step-by-...
Samir's user avatar
  • 21k
7 votes
2 answers

How can I insert a picture in a Super User question?

I am trying to insert a picture in a Super User question. How can I do that?
Xavierjazz's user avatar
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How to get actual image to post?

I have a question about my Super User post: How to get rid of white edges When I first posted this question, the appended image didn't show up. Instead, there was just the word "graphics," ...
Wordster's user avatar
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Huh ? Can't Post Image

SuperUser says that I can't post an image, and gives this reason... This shows my current level. Huh ? Both screen caps were taken from the same screen without reloading.
User.1's user avatar
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Possible bug with the new image hosting system: PNG images are declared “Too small…” if both dimensions are not equal to or larger than 160 pixels

Preface: While I saw this similar question on Meta Stack Exchange, and the original poster there is complaining about the 160 limit in general. My issue is with the restriction being applied to both ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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How can I post screenshots with less than 10 reputation?

I have just spent quite some time putting a decent question together including screenshots and diagrams only to realize I need 10 points to post images in my questions. How can post the images though?...
nana's user avatar
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Are linked images automatically updated to StackExchange's imgur account?

Are linked images automatically updated to StackExchange's imgur account? I noticed many of the linked images within questions and answer are hosted at If not, then how can I upload ...
SgtOJ's user avatar
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Whats with all the bad image links today?

Since last night, I've encountered a surprising number of posts on superuser with image links that say "Enter image Description Here", and which fail to resolve to a page on Imgur (Connection reset ...
Frank Thomas's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does clicking an image URL not work to open it in browser?

I embedded this link in a post outside Stack Exchange. The URL had been created by uploading an image in a post in Stack Exchange. When I click the link in the post ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 17.6k
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Some images from images only show an error message

Some answers in How do you get a shell on a Mac? have images that only show an error from imgur saying: "The image you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available." Is that ...
oleschri's user avatar
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Are screenshots preferred over links?

I got an answer with a screen shot out of the documentation for the program I was asking about. In the comment thread below, the person who posted the screen shot seems to be alleging that screen ...
tripleee's user avatar
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Load an image in Superuser?

I looked at the superuser help but I'm still unable to know how to load a jpg I created with a screenshot to be pasted in Superuser in order to explain myself better
AMDG's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Images abducted by until we pay the ransom

I'm not sure what is involved in the registration of the domain (surely they want some $$). This is the question: iTunes 9 does not show icon in Windows 7 taskbar? Can a moderator register the ...
Eduardo Molteni's user avatar