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Questions tagged [review]

For questions about the /review path where users can view and act on posts by other users that the system thinks may need attention.

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I'd like to know whether my post is well written or not

I have a question about my Super User post: I can't map a network share from PXE - WinPE I have written a question yesterday and I'd like, if someone can help, to know whether my question is well-...
Free's user avatar
  • 51
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Again: Failed Review Audit [duplicate]

I again have found a "late answer" review audit that I think is judged not entirely correct: This answer suggests to use a permanent marker to colour over an LED light on a monitor, while ...
DarkDiamond's user avatar
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Best practice to review questions already commented

I sometimes have a bit of time and review new users' posts / answers. Often I see some which is already commented how to be improved. If I agree with the comment I don't want to write similar comment, ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
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Suggested Edit 'This item is not reviewable'

I was in the Suggested Edits Review Queue, completed one review and clicked 'Next'. It took a bit of time to get to the next one and this is what it was: This is obviously supposed to be an audit (I ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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Where is the review button? [duplicate]

So I checked in today and realized that my review button is gone. Any Ideas?
Meintjes's user avatar
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Is there a way to send a hint to someone who suggest lots of edits?

As you can see from my rep I'm rather new to the "review suggested edits" privilege, so I'm searching for some advice. Currently there are a lot of edit suggestions from one user, which mainly ...
mpy's user avatar
  • 28.4k
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Review "This post is locked"

I had a problem when trying to edit a new users post in reviewing. Any time I attempted it said "this post is locked". Anyone know why?
Griffin's user avatar
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Approve this question edit by another user?

I came across this edit in the suggested edit review queue. Original was from user utsav, edit from user3782114. Strange. It could be someone mistakingly using a new account (in which case I'd ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Should not the "low quality posts" calibrated about answers containing just code?

I saw that part of the answers reported in the "low quality posts" are answers that report a command line code, or snippets for a bash script, and some of those answers are up-voted from more than two ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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2 answers

Suggested edits still not approved

I've submitted too many edits, which isn't unusual for me, and when I try to edit anymore posts, I get the message saying that I need to wait for my other submitted edits to be approved (as you do). ...
Virtuality's user avatar
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please review hold on my blocker question has been rewritten with objective criteria.
Foo Bar's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Remove closed questions from the review tab

It seems pointless to have these questions in the reviewed tab, as they have already been closed. There is nothing else to do to them, and they take up space.
soandos's user avatar
  • 24.5k

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