Should we enable a banner to warn about our policy on AI-generated content?
It can't hurt. It costs us nothing. People will either read it & pay attention or not, but if only 1% read it & then don't post the AI answer they were about to, then the banner has been ...
Why do people attempt to discourage long well-written answers by instant AI accusations?
I get the slightest feeling of something that's turned from trying to keep the site 'neat' into essentially witchcraft trials.
As an end user - if you suspect someone of posting AI answers, there's ...
So many new spam bots thanks to AI - what can we do?
I'm half certain at least some of these is some poor person in a sweatshop rather than something more sophisticated. It would be nice to have better tools - and we've requested for it
In this case I ...
Why do people attempt to discourage long well-written answers by instant AI accusations?
The premise of the question in the title makes a very broad assumption regarding intent:
“Why do people attempt to discourage long well-written answers by instant AI accusations?”
Why do you think ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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