We should cleanup/remove the [combine] tag
I've removed/replaced combine from every question it was applied to.
Why was my answer deleted
Besides specificity and applicability, which as Ramhound notes isn't a reason on its own, the primary reason that I voted to delete your post AND did not rescind that vote as we conversed in comments, ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
discussion × 3131status-completed × 339
tag-cleanup-request × 229
retag-request × 209
tags × 200
support × 178
questions × 147
closed-questions × 139
specific-question × 135
answers × 116
tag-synonym-request × 92
feature-request × 82
editing × 81
superuser-blog × 78
reopen-request × 72
flagging × 70
moderation × 68
off-topic × 67
migration × 63
scope × 61
exact-duplicates × 59
close-reasons × 57
reputation × 56
allowed-topics × 55
comments × 49