Why was my edit rejected if it improves the question's readability?
So... here's what happened. OP rejected and edited, and that overrode the one accept. Since OP dosen't need their edit reviewed, your edit was declined in favour of OP's edit. This triggered a bit ...
Requesting guidance on the use of backtick formatting with manpage names
I agree that it improves readability, and did the edits for you.
Is it not allowed to post a link to a YouTube video in your answer?
As I pointed out in the rejected flag on your answer, it was a link to a music video (Anthem to the Blind Harper · Aethera).
I cannot see how this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kebKKNW_O4Y) ...
- 160k
What's the best way to ask a similar question, but targeting a new OS?
First, you have to review the previous question and the answers given on it. If those answers are still relevant to the OS you're interested in, then you should not post a question. If you are able to,...
What's wrong with my edit?
This is only my opinion. I did not vote on this edit. Take any applied upvotes/downvotes to judge whether it is a common opinion or not.
I can only guess here, but this question is so low on ...
What's the best way to ask a similar question, but targeting a new OS?
Post a question tailored for the new operating system, but make sure you specifically tag it appropriately for the new OS. This way, it will be clear that you want answers relevant to the specific ...
What's the best way to ask a similar question, but targeting a new OS?
Create a bounty for the existing question. You can create a bounty for the old question to draw attention to it and hopefully generate some relevant answers.
How to handle my cross-site duplicate?
There isn't a cross-site dupe close reason. You could delete your question, or you could put a comment under it noting the cross-site dupe, and begin the close process.
You might also consider copy/...
Requesting guidance on the use of backtick formatting with manpage names
I agree that backticks are fine in your edit specifically; but I disagree that they should be used for all instances. The Stack Exchange sites use a rather heavyweight stylesheet for backticks, i.e. ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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