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studiohack's user avatar
studiohack's user avatar
studiohack's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

How should we handle spammers who recreate accounts after deletion?

4 votes

Are you interested in writing blog posts?

4 votes

Looking for users to write about their (fun) experiences for the Super User Blog!

4 votes

Need help with "need help" questions

4 votes

Questions on Firefox OS to post here or in Firefox OS Enthusiasts?

3 votes

Deleting a question asked in good faith without even a comment is rude

3 votes

Ending my tenure as a superuser moderator

3 votes

This shouldn't have been closed?

3 votes

Can we please blacklist the Spam (if possible)?

3 votes

Make reviewers explain why they accept a suggested edit

3 votes

Is "Y" really a valid answer to "I want X, and tried to do Y, but it doesn't work"?

3 votes

SU Retag Request: [tools] <--> [utilities]

3 votes

Q&A with the candidates in 2011 moderator election

3 votes

Can retag without retag questions privilege

2 votes

Tag Editor badge

2 votes

2011 Community Moderator Election

2 votes

Can I see a list of votes for my comments?

2 votes

What do you want Super User Blog to test with SSD technology?

2 votes

Can a synonym be made for the [windows-phone] tag?

2 votes

Comments on migrated question no longer relevant

2 votes

Make [standby] and [sleep] and [suspend] synonyms

2 votes

Flag dialog on low-score answers appears faded out

1 vote

What's up with "Window XP" and "Window 7"?

1 vote

Merge the various retrocomputing tags

1 vote

Inappropriate migration to SF?

1 vote

Why was this question deleted?

1 vote

Why was my solution converted to a comment?

0 votes

Where to ask a question about iTunes/AppStore

0 votes

Why shouldn't acceptance of an answer count towards a tag's score?

-5 votes

Please add a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut for the Keyboard style