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Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
Tamara Wijsman
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
6 votes

Do [missing] and [disappeared] constitute as meta tags?

6 votes

Please save this useful question

6 votes

trigger happy moderators deleting answers for no reason

6 votes

How is a question about increasing performance of programs in Windows-7 too localized?

6 votes

Easy way to take a comment thread to chat sooner?

6 votes

What’s up with the volume tag?

6 votes

Why can't I award the bounty to my own answer

6 votes

Correct tag(s) for Mac OS Classic (version 9 and earlier) questions

6 votes

Can we remove auto-conversion of sloppy answers to question comments?

6 votes

Answers that are too long, drawn out and contain too much excess theory

5 votes

Could anyone create a tag called "program-like"?

5 votes

Isn't it better to remove Linux and Windows tags?

5 votes

Question of the Week #37

5 votes

Is there a way to subscribe to a question?

5 votes

Images that are wider than 640px

5 votes

Question migrated to other stackexchange site displays full name

5 votes

What is the correct procedure to mark as a possible duplicate?

5 votes

Synonym Breakage: Command Line vs. Command Prompt

5 votes

Top Questions of the Week #21

5 votes

Please avoid extended discussions in comments...?!

4 votes

How should one use the home tag?

4 votes

SU Review, how to stop "watching" a tag

4 votes

Please convert to comments more often instead of just deleting answers

4 votes

Different versions of an OS = different quesitons?

4 votes

What do you want Super User Blog to test with SSD technology?

4 votes

Q&A with the candidates in 2011 moderator election

4 votes

Top Questions of the Week #15

4 votes

Why was the question "Why are there 8 bits per byte?" closed?

4 votes

Can we please standardize the Microsoft tags?

4 votes

Merge [tag:windows-nt] → [tag:windows]