There are time limits as to when you can change an upvote or downvote on questions and answers. Once you cast a vote, I think you have 5 minutes to change it and then it's locked in until the respective question or answer is edited.
This makes sense. Except when you can be the one that edits it. And then change your vote. I know that once you're granted editing permissions, you're a "trusted user in the community" so it's unthinkable that someone would abuse this.. but it is possible. And I know abuse of this would be caught through viewing a user's history. I think it is status-bydesign but it seems like a bug. It allows for users above 2K reputation to manipulate past votes on answers and questions.
- There is no time limit as to when a user above 2K rep can change his/her up/down vote.
2. This allows users to cast more than 40 votes in a day. - Removing the time-limit restrictions would not stop
both ofthe above scenarios. - Additionally, not allowing users who edit posts to vote on them would be counter-intuitive and would go against the entire framework of this community.
What's my point, you ask? I sort of brought something up and then shot down the obvious solutions, leaving us to determine this is entirely status-bydesign through lack of alternatives. I guess I wanted to bring up a discussion to see if any of the better minds could think of why this is okay and doesn't need to be fixed, or what could be done to fix one or both of the "problems".
@slhck found this thread that talks about this as well. But it doesn't talk about going over the limit of 40 votes per day or the totally insane ninja skills of @danielbeck
Edit 2
Could not reproduce more than 40 votes in a single day at the suggestion of @Anna Lear ♦ , I must have been mistaken. Edited question to ignore this part. Dev reference here
, at least when coupled with hiding/undoing edits.